Pelican! They had all kinds of animals wanlking around like this guy, and pengins.
 That is a REALY REALLY Big octopus! the tank was curved so it looks distorted.
 This place even has doliphins and they do tricks and stuff! Dolphins are really big in real life, I had no clue.
 Fish! Fish! Fish!
 I found Nimo! and the one without any short term memory.
 Look! Sardiens taht aren't in a can! they ar in a jar.. What will they think of next... one, two, three,....
 Big fish, little fish, red fish, blue fish...... [Dr. Susse]
 Here comes that shark! It has a huge bite mark on its side. the was a stingray that had similar injuries as well
 THis tank had a glass roof on part of it you could walk on and look down at the fish. Lots of fish here.
 these PIctures are form a brand new aquarium in Oita. It was so new it wasn't open to the public but we got special invite tickets for the first showing of the complex. It was really nice and stil had that new paint smell. this was one of the smaller tanks with a bunch of fish in it.... That is a shark back ther and when It came closed you could see a big bite mark on its other side.
 It is an abstract picture! can you figure out what it is? Find out teh anwser tomarow! Along with more pictures from the same place.(no more abstract art though)
 These streets near the center of the city are really tight... there is no way to fit more than a bicle here, no cars allowed. All the houses here in theis part are old homes of Samurai. Not just any samurai but rich samurai.
 ONt the top of the temple we seen was this gold statue. It shows a samurai stepping on a demon. I think the demon was kinda cute though... the bars were to keep perople from stealing it.
 this is an Old temple. You can see teh city gre around it and It is relly cramped now but inside it is fairly well open.
 I thought it was nifty. I don't know what it is.
 The paintings along the wall tell a story, I didn't take the time to figure it out though. The whoel being sick during this trip got in the way of that.
 Thsi was a ceramic painting on a wall that was done by a famous artist whn he lived here. It is famous in Oita I think. I think the bambo lights that are along the bottom of the art were just as cool. I wanted one of the lights.
 each of thoes barales are as tall as me and are filled with Japanese shouchu. A favorite alcoholic drink of teh Jamanese working class and bluecollars.
 This shrine had all kinds of small biuldings for differnt things, I don't know what they were all for but they must have had some purpose...
 This is inside the shrine in oita. Strait ahead is the place you though 500 yen into and do you praying thing. Remember to clap twice!
 Here is another torri. This is a shrine to pray for good luck and stuff at. You go in and put 500 yen in the box and make your wish. You have to clap twice when you do it.
 That pole is form teh tori that is shown in the other picture. That was a REALLY big torii.
 A Japanese torii. A large gate type thing without doors. They are everywhere that is old. You would see them at shrines, temples, parks, old places and sutch if you came to Japan.
 This is an old samurai residance in a small town in Oita. This was the guy's main enterance to the house. OH! and his wife and family has a samller door to the right of the big one, you can see it open in the picture. Only the men could enter thought the bg Doors.
 this was the best part of the festival in OIta, in the middle of nowhere and tehre are no other amusment attractionsin 5 hours driving distance, here is a big blow up mario... I Had to have this picture.
 A good story behind this rock, I forgot it though. Some people died and some people killed and others carved stones I suppose. This is also really old Japanese, no one can read it.
 Lots of people were at this small festivial. I think by the size of the town and the amount of people ther, the entire town was at this thing. I think is was probly a sakura festival.
 This is the japanese national flower. It is teh cherry blossum or sakura. This was the second time I seen this in Japan, the first being in Osaka. It was the sign of winter being gone and spring having come.
 This was just a really big rock with Really old writing on it.. no one could read it so I thought it was interesting.
 The hawks were gettign thicker and thicker at the Oita fesitval... I couldn't help thinking about the story "The Birds"... Then I kept walking.