Pictures From Japan: May 09

   A blog of pictures! See pictures of Kumamoto, Japan. Updated daily with multiple pictures!
Saturday, May 15, 2004

Look at the high density of Osaka... Wow.

This is one side of the castle where the buildings were closest. This is my image of Osaka before going there. Osaka, I think it could have been Kyoto as well, was burnt to the ground twice in Japan's history. It makes scence that Osak should be one of the most high tech moderen citys.

Ok, I didn't have anyone around to take a picture of my infront of this stone but i wish I did! The one that comes out of the ground at the corer comes up to my shoulder. this was a masive rock I tell you.

Standing out on one of the sentrys you can see the inner city of Osaka. This is a differeant side of the castle from past photos.

I don't know... Everyone wants pictures with the American, And they should.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Another great shot of Osaka Castle. it is a really great place, the castle and grounds are only a fraction of Kumamoto castle though. A long time ago there was gold on the biulding but people stole the real studd when the castle was rebiult and now it is all brass or something. All castles in Japan were destroyed during the Meji Revelution and WWII and the best ones have been rebiult now. During the Meji Relolution the castles were destroyed in order to put samurai out of power(and on the streets).

Here we are at Osaka Castle. We are waiting fo the last bus to get to the parking lot. We were the last bus when we left the stadium.

This is Oasaka, Above is a highway that runs thought the city, it's not a bridge, but an entire highway suspended in the air.

See the two guys in th emiddl eof this picture, They were making a documentry on Japan for a collage project or something like that. They interviewed me while I was on the bus asking what I was doing and stuff. They also talked to a bunch of Kumako students as well.

The enemy team in Osaka. They were really rude after beating us by one run. I think Kumako is high class becaues tmana students were also rude when we won agenst them.

Whith the baseball game over, everyone slowly makes there way to the parking lot... about a kilometer away. there are tons of small shops selling baseball game stuff and I did indeed buy a keepsake while slowing walking down the street. Posted by Hello

The most of the teachers sat behind the students. All the people in this part of the stand are from the 19 busses of kumako supporters. Posted by Hello

If you use this picture you might be abe to see me in the picture of the student section. You can see the brass band to my right and the school "cheerleaders" in black with red armbands. The sand is being leveled before the game. Posted by Hello

At the Baseball game there as a giant TV that showed a video that was made of our school. Lots of people I know were on teh "big screen" but not me. I got to be on national TV later though. It is currently showing the tenis courts at kumako. this is just before the game started, so you can't see the score on the board. Posted by Hello

An army of 19 busses took all the students and a bunch of other people like parents to the stadium. 19 Busses for ONLY Kumako. they were really nice charter busses too. Posted by Hello

Thursday, May 13, 2004

This is Expo land in Osaka. It is really small and old. World Expo was held here in 1970 to show off the world or tomarow. It was closed so we didn't get to go in the park. Posted by Hello

I woke up with this veiw from the bus on the way to Osaka for the Baseball game of my school and the best teams in Japan. Posted by Hello

Here is the bridge that crosses a bay, I think. Its not that big of a crossing, but the brigde is interesting. I think the lights look go in this picture Posted by Hello

Here we see Okamura-san taking a shot wiht the 7 iorn. There is an automatic ball setter thing that I found amusing. Posted by Hello

Many times Okamura san and I came here to practice golf, Its quite thelarge place and fun to just hit a few hundered balls. These things are all over Japan and decently priced to play. Posted by Hello

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

The school for the next game moved into the stadium near the end of our game to be ready for the next game. started to practice their human moving sign thing too, you can see the 'N'. Posted by Hello

Here we goooooooo!!!!! The game is underway and the sun is out, it's hot and everyone is wearing black! Posted by Hello

This is the Kumako student section of the stadum at the game. the band is playing next to us and they sound good! They are #2 in Japan. can you find me in this picture??? I'm in there! you need to look at the big pictuer to try and find me.[click on this picture to enlarge] Posted by Hello

These funny little plates were for sale at the suveneer shop.... Look at the big image but clicking on this small one, You Must see these! Bad samurai..... Posted by Hello

The famous Osaka Castle. The entire school went to see it and we had soem Osaka style Udon for lunch before heading home to Kumamoto. Posted by Hello

This is a picture of the Ememy team that won the game agianst Kumako in Osaka. the rest of the people that surround them are just people that wanted to see the game. noone in particular, this was a very popular game. Posted by Hello

The girl to the left of me is in Kendo. The girl on the far right is in kyudo[Japanese Archery] andI have no clue who the other two are. Posted by Hello

No need to tell you what is going on here. There second year students in the joho section and I are in teh parking lot of Osaka Expoland waitng to go to the Ball game. Posted by Hello

The Baseball game in Osaka taht My school played in. This is our MASSIVE school flag and my friend is the one holding it. There is so much wind that it is takign 2 people to hold it upright, the other person is also my friend. Posted by Hello

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