These birds are all hawks. There were tons of them all over the place. they were scavenging for goods at the festival that was going on that day...
 This was one of the firt cannons in Japan, the guide seemed to have seid that it was the first, but I think I just misherd or somthing, It was a long time scine I took this picture really,. It was chained down and the hole for "fire string", I can't think of the name at the moment, was pluged with cement. It wont be fired for a while.
 This was the inhabintant of the castle, In the depiction you can see a boat form teh harbor that is really close, It must have been there for hundreds of years.
 wel standing on the wall of this small castle grounds in Oita, you can see the entire cit, it was smaller than the Soo! It is still biger than pickford though.
 This is the view from the old castle grounds in somewhere in Oita. It is a REALLY small town. It was interesting even if I did have a cold and was feeling horable that day.
 Here is the main gate for the small castle taht was once the home of a samurai. It is all refurbished and cleen, there is a festival inside the castle grounds today and we are here to see it.
 This is a gaurd house of some small castle in Oita. the castle isn't here anymore, just small surrounding biuldings and walls. IT was also destroyed in teh meji revolution and part in WWII
 This is march and the sakura flowers are starting to bloom. In my home city there is still over a meter of snow with no end in sight.
 This is a smaller tomb taht was oof to the side. It was a really small hill and that was it, This guy musn't have been as important as the other dead guy.
 Some Japanese people were having a picnic or somthing and there was a bunch of kids playing frisbee, one of them let one of the girls thow the frisbee from the top of teh mound and it went right to the ground... Funny stuff. you can see the blue frisbee in this picture if you look hard enough
 I followed Ben, then the girls had a group photo in the stone box. I didn't tak a picture of that, IT wasn't as interesting once you seen it twice. there is a small compartment at the foot of the thing that valuables were placed before closing the lid.
 everyone took turns violating the dead guys casket and got our pictures taken in it.... this is Ben, the first one that accually got in.
 I want to know why there is taht one small rectangle there, I never seen the info board untill I kooked at this picture now. I suppose it had some meaning.
 The dead guy had a great view of the city from up here, except for the small fact of being in a box, burried under ground, and the fact he was dead might has hindered his veiw though...
 This is the stom casket of an anccent dead Japanese person. There is no guy in there now, but I thing there was a nice big blood stain. on the wall of ther thing, something red at least. I don't think blood would last for 1600 years though.
 These pots surround the entire perimiter on 3 levels. I think they are to catch rain ratter and to help deter erosion.
 Here we see the tomb of ancent 4th and 5th century Japanese. No one is in here anymore, he was taken away and put in the musium so we can loot at his corpse.... I think that is kind of a weird think that humans do..... Can't say I didn't do it but if I wern't a human, I would think that is weird.
 This is much more easier to read than the large picture taht is slightly below, 116 metetres is about 330 feet I think.
 This is part of the museam that we visited, It is an accual tomb, teh dead guy isn't in there any more though, I don't think so at least.
 Maybe you can make out the text on this board showing and telling about the Japanese tombs. LIke most other places, hter is Japanese and English.
 Here is one of the Japanese tomb modles. the red things around the perimiter are all large pots, I think they are to catch rain watter. THE dead guy is burried at the top of the circle
 This modle of the ancent tombs even has little people! I wanted to play godzilla, but ther was a sign saying no enterance, and IT probly would have cost a lot of money to repair it after words.... :P
 Now we area at a museam in Oita. It is about the ancent Japanese tombs. I didn't kneo the Japanese had tombs..... untll I seen one. this was the day after coming home from the baseball game, It was an Exchange Stedent Conferance(vacation).
 Here is what the top of my baseball looks like, I love my baseball, it is a good memory of your fatful lose in the National tournement of High school baseball....
 I bought a baseball form teh GAme in Osaka, I thought I would test out teh close up function of the camera and show off my prized ball. I also got a Kumako ball as a gift. that was nice.