Pictures From Japan: May 16

   A blog of pictures! See pictures of Kumamoto, Japan. Updated daily with multiple pictures!
Thursday, May 20, 2004

No new posts fo rsaturday and possably sunday, I will be going to Osaka and Kyoto again. Sorry. There are plenty of pictures here to look at in the archives or read my blog in the meantime.

There was a hure 4 meter tall map of the area at one rest stop. I thought it would be fun to take a picture and then find were we are later. It wasn't that hard to find our location though after looking for more than a minute... How is you Japanse? were is the buss at this moment in time??

The blue one is bigger, trust me. It is also really shiny as well.

This is easily the tallest building I have ever seen personaly. It is masive! I want to go to newyork and see those buildings too now.

Here we have yet another bussy intersection of Osaka. There are so many cars!!!! Every intersection the bus passed over looked this bussy or even more so. I can't imagin trying to drive on these roads everyday.

This was a good shot I think, The buss is on the Elevated expressway above teh bussy inner city streete

there is an exit up there somewhere... I can't see it from here, but there is one up there some place. One, this part is 8 lanes one direction, 2 roads merge here to pay the toll and get off the highway.

Here os one of the exit/Enterance ramps to the highway that runs though Osaka. the part we are on at this moment is 5 lanes in one direction. This was an amazing sight!

I think this is most people's image of Japan, narrow strees, tall biuldings, no trees or grass, and elevated Express highways.

We got on to that elevated expressway and it was funny, you could almost read the computer screens in the office windows. They were running windows I can tell you that. It was funny what you could see in there, Kinda scary.

you can barly see the busses at the end of this road, we are the last buss and from of the window there are a lot of blue busses leaving Osaka castle. a few people walking on the sidewalk gave an od look at the caravan of busses, but most dind't even bother to look up from what their dog was leaving on the ground.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Here are most of the busses for the students, waiting for us as we all leave. People were fishing this moat/river on the other side of the bridge.

that is Danial sensei on the left and meon the right, in my school uniform of course. there are plenty of girls inbetween us, but I don't know who they are.

Here is the information board for the main stucture of Osaka Castle. This castle has a lot of history, I never got to see the museam that lies inside the rebuilt structure.

here lie the treasures of Osaka Castle. IT is al empty now to avoid people breaking in and ruining the structure.

These rivers flow though Osaka Castle. The closest one is accually a moat. there is a large park visable after the second river, you can see the feild. Kumamoto Caastle has a bigger park.

This is one of the information boards around Osaka Castle. There is a lot of English to tell you all you could want to know about the place. ths one is for the treasure house.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Look! that small seemingly forgoten shrine is not totaly forgotten! there are stones that have read dresses put on them and teh strings of tinly flapping origamy birds. Flowers are also seen.

on this side of Osaka castle you can see yet more tall buildings. one of them looks like a UFO....

walkign behind the castle was this small and seemingly fogotten shrine. I don't know what is was for becse ther was no information sign near this place. it was really runrown but there were some colorfull things to be seen.

the city sprawls in all directions of Osaka castle. there are tall buildings in every direction.

Here is more of the city veiw from Osaka castle. We will go by that large tower in the distance while in the Elevated Highway.


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